Categories: Blogging

Blog Optimization Tips – How to Increase Your Organic Traffic

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Search engine optimization (SEO) is incomplete without strong visuals. It is quite essential to make your web pages alluring and captivating.

If you are into crafting appealing imagery, you will surely be able to stand out from others. Visuals are the ones that bring life to your content and also help in boosting a site’s search engine ranking. 

The image optimization isn’t confined within certain walls, but it extends itself far beyond. It isn’t only about Alt tags. There are arguments from a particular segment of digital marketing that the advanced algorithms and machine learning methodology of Google have made image optimization irrelevant.

They argue that the image retrieval system by running a similarity check has changed the dimensions. The search by image tool has made sure that the users can find images without entering any keywords. 

However, the key to growing your organic traffic requires effort, and image optimization is still relevant. You would have to work on the content, be it textual, visual, or any other form.

The growth of organic traffic also requires creating strong backlinks for boosting your web presence and developing goodwill in the eyes of Google and other search engines. You can use multiple tools for creating backlinks, and one of them could be searched by image. 

Let’s get to know about blog optimization tips for increasing your organic traffic

Blog Optimization Tips

1. Use Strong Visuals

Humans are more oriented towards visuals rather than text. They feel more comfortable while interacting with imagery. Therefore, you need to use visuals to drive traffic to your website and build a loyal visitor base.

Optimizing your images for blog posts requires effort; you would have to add relevant alt tags to make them appear in the Google image search results. The image annotation is still significant, and search engines crawl and index visual content through images.

You can use a search by image tool like one by visiting for getting creative ideas to create strong visuals. You can put your keyword, upload your image or enter the image URL to the specified fields in the tool, and click the search image button, and the tool will generate a bulk of ideas that will help you create better visuals for your content.

2. Addition of Keywords

There’s also a need to add relevant keywords in the blog posts to make them searchable in the SERP. You would have to focus on the user intent while conducting keyword research.

For example, if you are running an Amazon affiliate blog website, you would have to look for keywords that you intend to purchase; otherwise, you will not be able to carry one further. You also need to add keywords in the alt tag of images to make them searchable in the search results.

You can also search by image facility to fetch images relevant to your blog posts and add relevant keywords for optimization.

The search by image tool will assist you in getting high-quality images for your blog posts on the go. Therefore, utilization of reverse photo search wouldn’t be a bad option.  

3. Robust Content

Blog posts are merely about content, and it is limited to textual but visual. However, you also need to focus on the textual content. Your content needs to be strong and must have value for the users. It shouldn’t be crafted in a vague way.

Along with that, the content also needs to be informative and educational. It will help you in boosting your organic traffic by building up a loyal visitor base. You’ll also need to focus on visual content that can be crafted with the help of multiple tools, and one of them is search by image.

It will help in generating ideas and unique concepts for the visual content you need to develop to accompany your blog posts. You can perform a reverse image search for the generation of visual content ideas on the go.  

4. Generation of Backlinks

Backlinks are also highly important for boosting your search engine ranking. You can go for paid links and free links. However, there are tools that can assist you in creating free backlinks.

You can go for free backlink creator and search by image tool as well. It will help you out in knowing the sources where your visual content is replicated, and you can ask them to give a backlink to your web pages.

Therefore, backlinks are still considered to be an important indicator for search engine ranking. 


In the last analysis, search engine optimization (SEO) is highly important for growing your blog’s organic traffic. If you need to boost your traffic, then you will surely need to work on the SEO end.

From backlinks to keywords and content, everything falls under the domain of search engine optimization. You can use several tools for knowing the growth of your blog website. Along with that, there are tools that help in the competitor analysis and more.

You can use those tools to enhance and supplement your efforts. One of those tools is search by image to help you make your visual content strong and robust. Moreover, blog optimization isn’t tough but requires consistent effort from your end.

This post was last modified on July 29, 2021 12:21 PM

Vishal Meena

Hey! I'm Vishal Meena from Rajasthan, India. A Digital Marketer and founder of WayToidea. I Share Strategies Related to Blogging, SEO and Digital Marketing.