Did you know that there are Power words that can help you improve the ROI of your company or blog? Do you want to know what they are? This is the right blog post.
In the commercial and marketing field, there are certain ways to improve your blog posts, email campaigns, and sales. Many usually use advertising campaigns, others apply for promotions and even several businesses seek to establish strategic partners to continue growing. However, there is something more important: the use of power words.
Regardless of the marketing strategy that you want to apply to improve the sales of your business, these terms are going to be in charge of giving strength to the main speech. That is, power words will direct the attitude of consumers so that they see your products with new eyes.
This is why they are called power words! Because, with them, you will be able to persuade the public and take your sales to the ceiling. As Forbes (opens in a new tab) mentions, " the power of language has no limits, and it plays a crucial role in helping our brain decide what to buy".
In today's article, we will teach you what power words are and what types of power words exist. In addition, we will tell you why it is important to use powerful words in marketing and, finally, what are the best powerful words for your next campaigns.
Grab a pencil and paper, we're about to start!
What are Power Words?
Power words are those that have a very strong impact on others, fulfilling a descriptive and persuasive function. Among the main emotions that they can cause we have: anger, fear, happiness, laughter, greed, excitement, security, and curiosity.
Although some words can generate more than one emotion, it is about dividing them into specific categories, since there are countless powerful words that you can use in your marketing strategy to increase the ROI (opens in a new tab) in your advertising campaigns.
Next, we are going to introduce you to the different types of power words that exist. It is important to specify that not all the words in this section will be related to marketing since we will see that later.
Now yes, let's continue!
What are the Types of Power Words?
People and companies are beginning to understand the power of the word. Conveying a feeling to your audience is what determines the success or failure of your business model today, so you should start using them in the right way.
Of course, you must remember that it is not a magic formula: power words must be introduced consistently in a text, so do not abuse them and only use them when necessary. Otherwise, you could incur false promises and exaggerations that will make people disenchanted with the proposal that you are presenting to them.
Now yes, the moment of truth has arrived. We present you those powerful words that will be very useful to connect with your target audience. Write!
Power Words of Fear
Fear is one of the strongest and most common emotions experienced by human beings. To understand it better, let's use an example:
- You get up in the morning and turn on the television to watch the news, on it we hear news about robberies, kidnappings, and more negative actions.
Believe it or not, those power words of fear have a strong impact on our behavior throughout the day. This is the reason why these types of power words are used a lot in awareness campaigns.
As well as those powerful words of fear that we mentioned earlier, there are many others like the ones that we will present to you below:
| Agony\n\nLunatic\n\nApocalypse\n\nArmageddon\n\nSlaughter\n\nAssault\n\nReaction\n\nThreatening\n\nhitting\n\nStuck\n\nBeware\n\nMistake\n\nBlind\n\nMurder\n\nBlood\n\nNightmare\n\nSlaughter\n\nPainful\n\nCreepy\n\nPale\n\nBloody\n\nPanic\n\nClumsiness\n\nDanger\n\nBomb\n\nPiranha\n\nJester\n\nTrap\n\nEmbarrass\n\nFail\n\nSacrifice\n\nFired\n\nStrangle\n\nCheated | Clumsy\n\nPlague\n\nCorpse\n\nCatastrophe\n\nCaution\n\nImmersion\n\nCollapse\n\nPoison\n\nPoor\n\nCrazy\n\nPrison\n\nClub\n\nCrisis\n\nDanger\n\nEstimate\n\nDark\n\nRefugee\n\nMortal\n\nRevenge\n\nDeath\n\nRisky\n\nMisleading\n\nScary\n\nDestroy\n\nScream\n\nDevastating\n\nSharp\n\nDisastrous\n\nShame\n\nCondemn\n\nBreak\n\nHe drowned\n\nShocked |
Power Words of Energy
Words related to motivation and a good vibe will always have a great influence on people. If at any time you want to motivate or put someone in a good mood, do not hesitate to use these powerful words:
| Incredible\n\nJubilant\n\nAscend\n\nLegend\n\nAmazing\n\nCool\n\nBold\n\nWonderful\n\nAwesome\n\nmaster's degree\n\nAmazing\n\nMiracle\n\nBold\n\nLeverage\n\nSensational\n\nChallenge\n\nSpectacular\n\nDelight\n\nDevotee\n\nSpirit\n\nDignity\n\nGorgeous\n\nTo dominate\n\nGuts\n\nEasy\n\nAmazing\n\nAuthorize\n\nStrengthen\n\nEpic | Excellent\n\nStrong\n\nExcited\n\nTrick\n\nSupreme\n\nFabulous\n\nAmazing\n\nFaith\n\nFantastic\n\nThrive\n\nBold\n\nFierce\n\nIntense\n\nStrength\n\nTriumph\n\nCarry out\n\nTremendous\n\nGlorious\n\nUnbeatable\n\nGlory\n\nIncredible\n\nGraceful\n\nUnforgettable\n\nGrateful\n\nUnique\n\nGlad\n\nBrave\n\nHeart\n\nWorth |
Powerful Words of Lust
Lust is often a displaced feeling, although very common in human beings. Lust is based on intrigue, attraction, pleasure, etc.
All these powerful words can generate gratifying sensations for those who listen to them in a certain context; therefore, they are seen a lot in advertising related to perfumes.
Among some of the examples of powerful words of LUST we have:
| Seduce\n\nMischievous\n\nWake up\n\nNaked\n\nObscene\n\nOrgasmic\n\nPassionate\n\nShameless\n\nsighing\n\nCaptivating\n\nPleasure\n\nCharm\n\nProvocative\n\nCool\n\nSpicy\n\nClimax\n\nAsk\n\nDelight\n\nNoisy\n\nDelirious\n\nSalacious\n\nSatisfy\n\nDesire\n\nCool\n\nScandalous | Ecstasy\n\nSeductive\n\nEncompass\n\nSensual\n\nLove\n\nFascinating\n\nShameless\n\nAttract\n\nExcite\n\nExplicit\n\nExposed\n\nFascinating\n\nForbidden\n\nFrisky\n\nStimulating\n\nGoosebumps\n\nLong\n\nHeavenly\n\nTemptress\n\nTaste\n\nHypnotic\n\nCorny\n\nAnnoy\n\nIndecent\n\nTempting |
Power Words of Anger
Certain powerful negative words can make people angry when they are heard. These are useful, for example, to generate outrage.
However, it is advisable to use them sensibly, since there are people who have a lower tolerance threshold than others.
Among these powerful words we have:
| Abhorrent\n\nAbuse\n\nUnpleasant\n\nUpset\n\nArrogant\n\nBad\n\nstabbing in the back\n\nOppressive\n\nBarbarian\n\nTry\n\nOvercome\n\nPerverse\n\nDamned\n\nEvident\n\nParasite\n\nBrutal\n\nFake\n\nCrap\n\nPissed off\n\nBully\n\nTo pollute\n\nTo cheat\n\nBeat\n\nClown\n\nAbsurd\n\nConceited\n\nPretentious | Corrupt\n\nPunch\n\nCoward\n\nPunish\n\nDistorted\n\nRampant\n\nSmash\n\nhavoc\n\nRepel\n\nDegrade\n\nDisgusting\n\nDefile\n\nInsult\n\nOffender\n\nDemolish\n\nRotten\n\nProfane\n\nImpolite\n\nDisgusting\n\nSpoiled\n\nDishonest\n\nDistorted\n\nwild\n\nEvil\n\nFraud\n\nBlow\n\nScolding |
Power Words of Greed
Greed is related to the idea of generating wealth. Without a doubt, using power words that generate this feeling in people will cause a boost in their desire to be successful and accumulate money. For example, this is seen a lot in banking and gambling commercials.
Some important power words that elicit this feeling are:
| Bank\n\nDeal\n\nLow prices\n\nBetter\n\nLuxurious\n\nMillions\n\nMarked\n\nBonanza\n\nMassive\n\nMoney\n\nCash\n\nCheap\n\nSaving\n\nExpensive\n\nDiscount\n\nDollar\n\nReward\n\nDouble\n\nProfit | Pay zero\n\nQuadruple\n\nExtra\n\nReduced\n\nFeast\n\nRich\n\nFortune\n\nSavings\n\nFast\n\nGive away\n\nInstantly\n\nexpires\n\nPremiere\n\nHurry\n\nWorth\n\nMonetize\n\nGreat\n\nNew\n\nRemarkable\n\nBlow |
Powerful Words of Safety
If you are looking to generate a feeling of security in someone, it is important to use this series of powerful words:
| Authentic\n\nProtected\n\nAutomatic\n\nbacked\n\nfundable\n\nRefund\n\nBestseller\n\nConfidence\n\nCancel\n\nResearch\n\nCertificate\n\nResults\n\nRisk-free\n\nPassed\n\nInfallible\n\nbacked by science\n\nGuaranteed\n\nScientific\n\nRefund of money\n\nRecognized\n\nAuthority\n\nScientifically proven | Authoritarian\n\nSecurity\n\nAuthorized\n\nfully refundable\n\nhighly respected\n\nTrustworthy\n\nImproved\n\nInsured\n\nExpert\n\nPassed\n\nBattleship\n\nLegitimate\n\nSurvive\n\nWithout obligation\n\nthat never fails\n\nComprehensive\n\nRisk-free\n\nTrustworthy\n\nTry before you buy\n\nWithout fail\n\nUnconditional\n\nOfficial |
Powerful Words of Prohibition
Prohibitions often only feed the desire to want something that is not allowed. That is why the use of power words related to prohibitions can be effective in some specific cases. For example, they can be very useful in stimulating sales of innovative products that promise something different.
Among these types of power words we have:
| Forbidden\n\noff the record\n\nOut of limits\n\nOutlaw\n\nBlacklist\n\nPrivate\n\nPirate\n\nRestricted\n\ncensored\n\nSealed\n\nRemote\n\nmysteries\n\nWeird\n\nshocking\n\nWardrobe\n\nRevelation\n\nElusive\n\nTop secret\n\nFunny\n\nIllusory\n\nTop secret\n\nIncredibly\n\ntrade secret\n\nUnexplored\n\nInteresting\n\nundiscovered\n\nWrench\n\nInexplicable\n\nUnexplored\n\nmembers only\n\nUnheard | Myths\n\nIncalculable\n\nRare\n\nPriceless\n\nPrivate\n\nCrazy\n\nClassified\n\nSecret\n\nhidden\n\nWeird\n\nconfessions\n\nConfidential\n\nNot authorized\n\nControversial\n\nuncensored\n\nCovert\n\nClandestine\n\nExotic\n\nUnderground\n\nForgotten\n\nNot revealed\n\nTo unlock\n\nSilence\n\nunattainable\n\nIllegal\n\nnot spoken\n\nSleepless\n\nlittle known\n\nDetained\n\nHidden |
Most Used Power Words in Marketing
Currently, in the world of marketing, converting and selling have become an obsession for many companies. And, for this, they have been based on the discourse and the implementation of powerful words for that purpose.
For this reason, the digital marketing sector has seen the need to search for those words of power that are a trigger for the public and tip the balance towards the side of sale and/or conversion.
Of course, there are different types of powerful words that you must take into account when implementing your campaign.
Powerful Words to Sell by Building Trust
Something very common that has surely happened to you is that you really want to buy a product, either for pleasure or necessity, you have the money and everything you need, but you are not sure how good the product you want to buy will be.
Believe it or not, that causes many companies and small businesses to lose many customers. That is why it is necessary to know some power words that generate confidence.
Here are some:
- Trustworthy
- Guaranteed
- Long experience
- Guaranteed Quality
- We accept returns
- X number of satisfied customers
- X opinions of satisfied customers
- Original
Powerful Words Related to Prices
If you're a retail business and you're having little sales or you've been left with a lot of past inventory, you definitely want to find a way to sell those products as soon as possible.
While many people are looking to buy quality items, price is also important. With a lot of attention, the idea is not to give away your products or make them look like surplus merchandise, but rather that the customer realizes that it is a good opportunity to buy a good product and save money. Some examples of powerful words are:
- Excellent prices
- Best prices
- High quality and good prices
- Promotion
- Settlement
- Goal attempts
- Bargains
- promotions
- Free
Powerful Words to Sell Appealing to Quality
If, unlike the previous case, your company or business is based on selling high-quality products, it is important to highlight it to attract the attention of your audience. Some power words to highlight the quality of your products are:
- High quality guaranteed
- New
- Last generation
- Benefits
- Latest technologies
Powerful Words to Sell More Related to Success
If your business focuses on offering different types of services, the use of powerful words can generate feelings of protection and diligence in customers. This way, people will be looking for you all the time.
Some powerful words of this type are:
- Creativity
- Solutions
- Talent
- Compromised team
- Complete services
- Ideas
- Immediate availability
Why are Power Words Useful in Marketing?
As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, powerful words have a magic of their own. They are capable of arousing emotions in all people from one moment to another, whether they are positive or negative, depending on the context and tone in which they are said.
We present a long list of powerful words that are capable of awakening different emotions in those who receive them; However, are you interested in knowing how mastering these types of words can make your business improve a lot?
According to Neil Patel (opens in a new tab), “the right words will always motivate, push and/or guide people to take the right action and increase content engagement “. For these powerful words to be useful in a marketing strategy, the main thing is to identify the type of business you have.
For example, imagine that you are dedicated to the sale of technological products. What you are looking for likely is to highlight the quality and usefulness of your products. On the other hand, if you sell youth clothing, you may be looking to convey personality and freshness.
Likewise, some more digital marketing experts explain that including words related to emotions in your email marketing campaign will generate greater proximity to your audience. This is also known as emotional marketing (opens in a new tab). However, if you convey the wrong emotions, your customers are likely to experience rejection or disappointment instead of being attracted to your business. So be careful with that!
So we have seen a lot of power words of many types. These powerful words can be used to increase sales, create a great catchy description, and SEO-friendly blog posts.
I hope this article on top power words helped you. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to comment below.
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